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Epistémologie de la recherche

Publié le 9 novembre 2021 Mis à jour le 17 janvier 2024

du 15 janvier 2024 au 29 janvier 2024

Dates : 15, 22, 29 janvier 2024
Durée : 6h
Horaires : 14h à 16h
Format: présentiel
Lieu  : Bâtiment Allais, salle selon les séances
Nombre de participants maximum : 20
Public visé : doctorants de l'ED 396
Type de formation : professionnelle
Pré-requis pour la formation : Aucun
Nom des intervenant.e.s : Fabrice Tricou 
Peut-on suivre uniquement certains modules de cette formation ? NON

he philosophy (or the science) of knowledge, epistemology may interest doctoral students when they suspend their research in progress to contemplate what they are doing and how
they are doing it. What makes a research scientific? What are the different kinds of scientific research? A guide to such reflexive thoughts, this course is divided in three, two-hour

The first session demonstrates how science operates on three levels: (0) particular statements of observation (empirical floor) / (1) general statements (level of laws) / (2) principles or
assumptions. Deduction leads from 2 to 1 and induction leads from 0 to 1. According to Popper, a type of discourse is a science as far as it accepts the possible refutation of its laws.

The second session presents the evolution of science either through disruptive leaps, following Kuhn’s “scientific revolutions” between opposite “paradigms”; or through gradual
steps, according to Lakatos’s “research programs”. Economic case studies are then proposed.

The third session presents several methodological divides in social sciences (and more particularly in economics): explanation vs understanding; mechanicism vs organicism; individualism vs holism; positivity vs normativity; realism vs instrumentalism.

  • Séance 1 : 15 Janvier 2024, 14H-16H, bâtiment G Maurice Allais, Salle G310b (F. Tricou)
  • Séance 2 : 22 Janvier 2024, 14H-16H, bâtiment G Maurice Allais, Salle G310b (F. Tricou)
  • Séance 3 : 29 Janvier 2024, 14H-16H, bâtiment G Maurice Allais, Salle G310b (F. Tricou)

Mis à jour le 17 janvier 2024