Understand and define your choices for sharing your research results in an open science ecosystem

Publié le 19 septembre 2024 Mis à jour le 10 octobre 2024

le 12 novembre 2024

Date : 12 novembre 2024
Durée : 3H
Horaires : 13h30-16h30 CET
Format : distanciel
Langue de la formation : anglais
Nombre de participants maximum : sans limite
Public visé : doctorants de l’Alliance EDUC, ouvert à tous sur https://courses.educalliance.eu/course/278
Type de formation : professionnelle
Pré-requis pour la formation : Teams avec caméra et micro
Nom des intervenant.e.s : Cecile SWIATEK CASSAFIERES https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1066-4559, , Library Director and Open Science Expert with EDUC
Peut-on suivre uniquement certains modules de cette formation ? (Oui, Non) : Non, module unique unique
Mode d’inscription  ADUM ou https://courses.educalliance.eu/course/278
Lien de la formation : à venir

The scientific, technological, economic and digital environment for researchers has been changing rapidly for several years. The aim of this open science training course is to give you a practical, factual overview of public policies on opening up, sharing and protecting publicly-funded scientific publications and other academic research output at European level. To do this, we will discover the publications ecosystem, and together we will grasp the issues involved in choosing whether to share your scientific research results selectively or in their entirety.
  • Understand and manage the bibliodiversity of your publications and research results.
  • Define your choices for sharing your research in an open science ecosystem

Alternance entre parties magistrales et temps d’échanges et de discussion. Selon le nombre de participants et l’étendue / la variété des connaissances, le niveau de profondeur des sujets pourra aller de la découverte en pas-à-pas et de la définition de concepts à des échanges plus experts voire à des échanges de pratiques.

How can we understand the profound changes taking place in the dissemination of research results? How can you manage the dissemination of your research results? How do you define your choices for sharing your research in an ecosystem characterised on the one hand by policies in favour of open science and on the other by the benefits and pitfalls offered by the bibliodiversity of academic production? How do you ensure that you retain your rights and are able to exploit the results published by other researchers? Who should you turn to for ethical advice? How do you react when faced with offers from some publishers or publication in predatory journals? Understanding the broad outlines of the European research landscape will help you in your research career to determine which funding and open or closed publication opportunities to seize or reject for yourself and your teams.


Mis à jour le 10 octobre 2024